Sunday, June 26, 2011

Forming Words

 Stella has started to imitate things we say and is trying to form words.  This week she said 'hi daddy' and she's also started to say 'no' in context (which is cute, but is already losing its appeal though...).  It's really exciting to see her becoming such a big girl!

This was Stella's last full-week with Denise for a while since school has ended.  Stella will get to spend the next 10-weeks at home with her daddy most days.  They will likely be spending a lot of time playing in the water because Stella really enjoys it, as you can tell from these photos from Memorial Day weekend (courtesy of Aunt Patti!).

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day Weekend

Beautiful morning...we are very lucky!

After a good week which included a visit from Nancy and Michael Hess who came over to help us with some cleaning (since Beth's taking things really easy these days)  we headed to Saranac Lake for the weekend for an AAU tournament.  We weren't sure how Stella would tolerate the gym two days in a row but she did awesome.  The Panthers played four games Saturday and two on Sunday and Stella had a fun time playing with parents and siblings of Randy's team. 

On Saturday night we enjoyed a special treat - a sleepover at Colgate Camp with the Mills Family.  We had  such a nice time visiting with our friend Kathy and relaxing around the fire.    Stella had fun running around the grounds because she loves being outside!  Our weekend was complete with a hearty lunch at Tail O' the Pup in Raybrook.  Beth had a delicious lobster feast which didn't seem fair at all because it was Father's Day after all. 

"Daddy!!  I want you to blow bubbles!...and I think I want to go to Colgate instead of SLU!"
Since it had been a long weekend Stella was tired and had some cuddle time with daddy once we made it home.  It was the perfect ending to what turned out to be a very nice Father's Day.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

One year later; Basketball, Wedding, and Family

The saying is that time heals all wounds...I'm not sure we agree.  Not a day goes by that we do not miss our little angel, and wish he were here to play with Stell Belle.  One year ago today we had to say goodbye to Trey...I'm sure he knows that he is not forgotten and that he is always going to be loved.

Stella continues to amaze us.  She is getting so big and learning so much each and every day.  It is exciting to watch her everyday to see what she is going to do next.  There is only one thing that could have made it more enjoyable...

It was again a busy weekend.  Randy traveled to Watertown with his basketball team.  Beth was part of a wedding celebration in Canton.  Needless to stay, Stella got some quality time with both her Grammie and Pa and Mike and Linda Mason.  We are sure that the spoiling was at a high level, and we wouldn't have it any other way!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Girls Weekend

With Randy @ golf states Stella and I had a fun girls weekend.  We stayed over at Grammie and Pa's on Friday and grammie went with us to the Dairy Princess Parade on Saturday.  On Sunday Stella tried her best to behave at church - it sure is a long hour for her though.  In the afternoon we visited the Britton's to give Gianna her birthday presents and have dinner.  Stella has weathered a small cold this week and we're so glad she's feeling better.  We ordered her Sunfari Play Center Pool today in preparation for a summer of fun at home.  We are looking forward to lots of time outside, especially since Stella will be home with her daddy most days.

Stella having a lollipop from the Dairy Princess Parade