This week was a busy one for Miss Stell Belle. Late Monday morning we headed to Burlington after mom worked for a few hours. We had to visit an eye specialist that afternoon to make sure that Stella does not have any signs of strabismus (which is basically a dis-alignment of the eyes). Stella is particularly at high risk for this both because she was premature but also because her mom has this condition. Fortunately her eyes look terrific and she won't have to see the specialist again for two years. This was our quickest trip to Burlington yet as we spent only about three-hours there. We stopped by the Ronald McDonald House for a few minutes where Stella had lots of fun in the toy room while Mom visited. Then we stopped by Caroline's for a short visit with her, Caleb, and baby Esme, who is growing quite nicely! We missed all of our Fletcher Allen friends this visit but hope to see them on our next trip.
On Wednesday Stella and Mommy went to the Zender's to swim in the pool. Since mom is taking an online graduate course on Wednesday nights they could only stay for a short while. Stella was such a good girl getting out when it was time to go. On Friday Stella was able to have lunch with her mom in the park while dad had a dentist appointment. She was such a big girl sitting in the park having lunch like a good girl until her dad was finished.
Saturday, Stella played on her new swing set Grammie and Pa bought for her and took a trip to the mall for her first hair cut. She didn't like the salon very much but sat still long enough for a quick trim and to have her bangs cut.
Other news: Stella's new favorite phrase is 'Daddy!, Daddy!'. She says this when she wakes up, when her dads outside, when her dads not home, etc., etc. We've taught Stella many body parts - eyes, nose, mouth, etc., and have now moved on to animal sounds. She's already caught on to what a cow and a monkey says. It's so much fun watching her learn new things and we can't believe what a big girl she has become!