Sunday, August 26, 2012

Road Trips

We've had a busy two-weeks with trips to both Vermont and Ohio.  Both trips were full of fun! 

In Burlington last weekend we stayed with Auntie Caroline, Caleb, and Esme and enjoyed a trip to the local pool and some quiet time just allowing the kids to play together.  We also went to the NICU Reunion picnic to catch up with some families and hospital staff who we became friends with during our time in Burlington two years ago.  It is hard to believe so much time has passed and how each of the babies who had such fragile beginnings are thriving today!

This weekend we spent time with the Hooley family in Ohio.  We had a relaxing trip out with a night in Erie on the way and lunch the next day with our friend Adam (WVWC classmate).  In Ohio we visited the Columbus Zoo, celebrated Cailin's 4th birthday, and Randy was able to fit in a round of golf with Adam.  It's been a busy and exciting vacation!

Amidst all of the hustle and bustle our little Claire-Bear has officially begun to walk!  She still appreciates being able to get places faster by crawling so she's not walking exclusively, but she's figured it out!  Since we are still on the road we aren't posting any pics tonight but promise to soon!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Stella & Claire's First Wedding

This weekend we celebrated our fourth wedding of the season and brought the girls along.  They had a marvelous time and the wedding was just beautiful.  Congratulations Ashley & Ryan!  Stella danced until Mommy & Daddy could drop and has repeatedly told us she had fun at the party!  This week we also had fun at the playground, and playing with Aunt Mary Jane.  Summer is starting to wind down but our schedules aren't getting any calmer.  Stay tuned for pics from the NICU Reunion next weekend!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Claire Learning How to Walk

Claire  is continuing to work hard to learn how to walk.  She doesn't have the confidence to do it on her own yet but here's a video of her progress:

Both girls have had recent well-child pediatrician visits and are doing great!  They are growing girls!