Sunday, September 30, 2012

Fall Fever

At one point or another over the past two weeks everyone at our house has felt a little under the weather.  Despite needing some extra R&R we've managed to have a little bit of fun by visiting the playground, making cupcakes, having dinner with grammie & pa, a reveal party (we learned our good friends are having a boy which will be so much fun!), and of course Stella's weekly gymnastics class!  As Claire's first birthday approaches we are trying to move away from bottles which she's strongly resisting at bedtime, so we are getting close to moving past this baby stage but we're not quite there yet! 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Catching Up

We've been without our usual computer so we're a little behind on blog updates.  Here's some news since our last entry:

Some of the Gilson Crew!

We spent a fun day with some of the Gilson family at a party last weekend.  There was a bounce house there and our girls just loved it!  It was nice seeing so many family members who we really don't catch up with often enough.

The girls are back into their school-year routine and have adjusted nicely.  They are both doing great and are growing up so fast!  Claire-bear is getting more teeth and is learning how to assert herself.  Stella is actually able to carry on a conversation with us and recall events from her day which is always exciting to hear!

This past weekend Stella started taking Gymnastics again and she had so much fun.  We were amazed at all she remembered from last April.  She did such a great job waiting her turn and trying all the different events.  We also tried to pick apples with Aunt MaryJane this weekend but were disappointed to learn that the season has ended early this year.
@ Brookdale Orchard with Aunt Mary Jane

Uncle Ryan and Courtney's baby arrived this past weekend.  Rylin Kay was born on Friday evening and although she came a few weeks early she weighed in at 5lbs. 3 oz. and is doing well!  Since we are all coming down with colds we haven't been able to visit yet but are looking forward to meeting her soon!

Monday, September 10, 2012

2012 Pig Roast

We had a busy but fun weekend with family which was a nice way to officially end our summer!  Stella really enjoyed spending time with her cousins and was very entertaining on the dance floor!  We wish we had captured more moments on camera but this time we'll have to just hold on tight to these special memories when the little ones rarely get embarrassed and cherish such small things like an Elmo pinata and a roll of smarties!

Randy has ordered a really nice monument to honor his mom so as we head into another season this will give us something to look forward to as we wait for its placement.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Summer 2012 Pics

As we gear up for another school year we look back on another summer which passed us by too quickly.  Since we've skipped the photos lately we are sharing some here.

The girls love the playground down the street
and Claire's favorite is the swing!

Taking a break from some shopping in Erie
on the way to Aunt Melissa & Uncle Dan's

Getting a few groceries with Dana

The carousel at the Columbus Zoo - Stella LOVED it!

Zooming around on the new 4-wheeler!

This weekend we'll enjoy company of family and friends at the Goolden's 10th Annual pig roast.  It should be a fun day so if you are local and don't have any plans stop by mom and dad's!