The last two week have flown by and taken spring break with them! We had a really great vacation which included 6 days away from home for a visit with the Hooley's near Columbus, Ohio. It's been a long time since we've had an extended vacation and it was wonderful having family time without distractions from work or other responsibilities. (Mom didn't even bring her computer this trip!)
Claire was a bit under the weather for part of our vacation but it gave us the opportunity to take some naps with her and have lots of extra snuggle time. Fortunately the rest of us didn't catch it, although Cailin may not have been so lucky since she didn't feel so great the day after we left. Mom kept Claire home on Easter Sunday after church while the rest of the girls went to the community-wide Easter Egg Hunt. They all had fun, sat with the Easter Bunny, and brought home plenty of treats to eat!
Since the trip to Ohio is a long one we tried to find some fun things to do to break up our travel. On the way out we spent some time at a McDonald's Play Place and they absolutely loved it! Claire was too little for most of the play areas but she still climbed on what she could!
The girls enjoyed the Play Place so much on Monday, when Melissa and Dan headed back to work and Dana off to school, we decided to take them to one of the malls nearby that also has a play area. We brought Cailin too and it was great fun. We are definitely learning that at this age it's the small (and often inexpensive) things that matter!
On the way back we spent the night in Erie, which is just about the half-way mark. The girls absolutely loved the pool! We bought them new life jackets and everybody was happy! We feel so fortunate that we were able to spend time with family and be able to travel with our girls this past week!