As we've heard Dora sing over and over again this week 'Feliz dia de los padres' today is Father's Day! Our girls are so fortunate to have a 'new school' dad! (at least that's what we call it) Millennial dad's are involved with their children's lives in very different ways than previous generations and our house is no exception. Stella and Claire are blessed with a lot of quality time with their dad - all summer vacation, the commute to and from daycare most days, at school events, shopping trips with the whole family - even if it's just to the grocery store, golf lessons (yes, they've already started!), story time, and bedtime snuggles. There's no parenting task I do that Randy won't and for that I'm very grateful. I know our girls are going to really look up to and appreciate their dad when they are older and all of this time they have together now will bring back such fond memories for them!
We want to give a big shout out to all of the people who helped us out this Saturday. Although I wasn't home most of the day it was really productive around our house! Thank you to Adam Britton and the McCarthy family for helping Randy start the huge project of putting together the girls new swing set. The rain put off any hope of continuing work on it today but we have a great start thanks to everyone's help. Thank you to Aunt Mary Jane and 'Niece for looking after the girls while everyone was preoccupied. And lastly but certainly not least, thank you to cousin Logan for putting together Claire's new dresser. We are so blessed to have such great family and friends in our lives who continually support us!