Sunday, July 28, 2013

July 2013 Photos

We are continuing to have a fun summer and are enjoying lots of family time.  It's sad to realize that summer is just about half over.  We plan to make the most of what's left during August.  We have a day trip to Burlington planned as well as a trip to Maine to see Stacy, Aaron, and Lily.  We can't wait!
(For those of you on Facebook sorry for the duplicate photo posts!)

Climbing at the playground!  Claire loved this too - she tried to climb onto the top so
taking a picture wasn't an option...

Helping sweep out Miss Katy's trailer

Stella's new shirt Pastor Gregg helped her make!
Passing some time on a rainy day

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Enjoying the Sunshine!

The girls are enjoying the summer sunshine and spending lots of time at home with their dad.  Claire is getting so big and is starting to put sentences together with her growing vocabulary.  Here are a few pics from the last few weeks!
Their new slide is really fun!

Both girls love to swing super high!

New dolly - Claire picked Tiana

New dolly - Stella picked Sophia

Sleeping Beauties :)

Racing down the driveway is always fun!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Summer Fun!

 The past week was rather eventful...Stella attended princess camp every morning, and had a wonderful time!  She made crafts, played dress up and got to meet four disney princesses.

This created some quality time for Daddy and Claire to spend together with lots of funny moments like the one below...

With the warm weather we try to find some different ways to stay cool.  A small pool has been very enjoyable; as well as a slip and slide! 

Stella is a Diva!

It is also a great time of year to spend time with friends.  The girls were able to play with the Britton girls on a couple of different occasions.  They seem to truly enjoy each others company and look forward to our girls growing up together.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Old McDonald's Farm

Pony Rides!

 This week was lots of fun!  Mom had a nice long weekend so we planned a day trip to Old McDonald's Farm.  The girls had a great time!

Here are some fun pics from the day as well as a few others from this week!

Stella thought the tractor was really cool!  Both girls picked out a
toy tractor to bring home with them too!

The bounce houses were LOTS of fun! 
Possibly the highlight of the farm...

                                          Feeding the goats was also a treat both girls enjoyed!

  This week we also enjoyed a cool ice cream treat at Stewarts down the street and bought a new pool to splash around in!