Daddy set up a toddler bed (compliments of Grammie & Pa! - thanks you guys!) for Claire on Monday and she was so excited about it. She's such a big girl and has gone to bed great every night this week. Mommy may not have been ready for this but she definitely was!
We bought the Disney movie Frozen this week and had a movie night on Friday. The girls weren't sure what to think of the movie but when Gigi and Cami visited for a sleepover on Saturday and wanted to watch it again they were so excited about it. Now Stella says it's her favorite movie! Of course Mommy doesn't mind at all because as usual, Disney did not disappoint - Olaf makes us all laugh!
We had a lazy, lazy Sunday afternoon and all enjoyed a nap, even Lily!
Other news this week: The girls enjoyed swimming lessons again and Stella is definitely not afraid to jump into the pool anymore! We had dinner at Aunt Mary Jane's and Uncle Neil's on Wednesday and that was a great treat - mommy didn't have to cook and we were sent home with lots of leftovers! Very thankful to have them just down the street for unexpected treats like that!