Sunday, December 6, 2015

Busy Weekend

This week the kindergarten classes made gingerbread houses and since they were looking for family volunteers Daddy joined in the fun.  Stella was super excited to show it to me when I made it home, and Claire was super excited to eat the candy off it!

Silly girl!  Making happy memories with daddy :)

Friday night we gathered with our church family for a fellowship meal and to help decorate the church for the holiday season.  The elders allowed the children to get really involved and they had a great time.  Claire spent more time decorating herself than she did the sanctuary though!

This weekend we ventured out to choose a Christmas tree as a family.  We were indecisive so it took a while but we finally chose one.  It turned out to be much wider than trees we've bought in the past so it took some work securing it into the tree stand but daddy figured it out!  We had a fun time Sunday night trimming the tree!

On Saturday afternoon we headed to Chateaugay for a basketball tournament to watch daddy's team play a game.  It turned out the girls were more interested in the new cheerleading team but they stayed busy/entertained for the whole game which was a new milestone!

Sunday afternoon we headed to the mall arcade for a birthday party for one of Claire's classmates.  The family was very generous to include Stella too and the girls had a great time.  Stella hit the jackpot while playing a game and won 100 tickets!  Lucky girl!  We spent a little bit of  time wandering around the mall afterward and the girls enjoyed a special treat of scooting around the hallways on the new mall critters.  Daddy joined in the fun too (good thing, since Claire really isn't ready to steer on her own yet!).

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thanksgiving Staycation!

This year we stayed home for Thanksgiving break and all of the Goolden family came to us!  We had a full house and lots of fun!  The weather was unseasonably warm so the girls had some outdoor fun / backyard games.  We also did some painting, made crafts, played dance revolution along with some other indoor games, and of course, playtime wouldn't be complete for this generation of little girls without some Anna and Elsa dress-up!  Here's a peak at some of the fun we captured!

 Dance-Dance Revolution!
Second front tooth came out
on Thanksgiving Day!

 Stealing some time with daddy!
Cider Mimosa's

Backyard Fun / Outdoor Games

 The first day the Hooley's and Perrin's arrived we went to Grammie and Pa's for a visit.  The girls wanted to play in the hot tub which we didn't plan for.  They are so little, we agreed to some splashing around in their undies.  For those of you who know my parents, their hot tub is in the back of their heated garage.  Strange, I know, it must be a north country thing....  Anyway, Claire was so excited she stripped down only to have to dress back up in her winter coat and boots.  She insisted on bringing some dolls out to the garage with her.  When I asked 'Claire, do you want me to hold those for you so you can run like a Cheetah' she said no.  I said 'won't your legs get cold?' and her response was one I may never forget.  She replied in the most serious sense, 'no, and you can't judge someone by what they wear'.  Oh.My.Glory!  She actually was listening to our conversation on the way to school the other day!  To have a four-year old say that when they are dressed like this was JUST.PRICELESS.

Dance party in the house!

On Friday evening the dad's all stayed home so mom and daughters could have some time together.  We had dinner at the Cactus Grill & Cantina followed by a few drinks at the Riverview.  It has literally been like a decade since the 5 of us had some distraction free time with one another and we enjoyed each others company.

'Let it go!'

Uncle Dan likes to hand out french fry money when he sees all of the nieces and for this visit it turned into Dollar Tree money.  Stella used her $6 (which included her $1 from the tooth fairy!) and did her own shopping.  She was such a big girl, and while I wasn't willing to explain tax to her, I gave her the extra coins she needed and she was so excited to be able to buy 6 things, since usually mommy only lets her pick 2.


 Poor Claire was so off her schedule while we had house guests.  Here she's having dinner about an hour later than everyone else because she put herself down for a nap at 5:30 pm.

The night prior she came out at 10:30 pm from playing with her cousins and said 'Mom, when are you making dinner?'.  She proceeded to insist I make her 'chicken  noodles with carrots' because she 'wants what I want'.  Her short melt-down resulted in her passing out!

We made some owl crafts because Haley loves owls and since it's so close to Christmas this activity was timely.

Window Crafts
Trying out a homemade
body scrub recipe
We were so happy to have family visit for the holiday.  We always wish our time together would last longer.  To alleviate some of the sadness the day they left we did some special activities and started our holiday shopping.

Last weekend our fall gymnastics and ballet & tap classes ended for the semester.  Stella's in-class showing for dance was being held the same time as Claire's gymnastics class so we asked for special permission to have Claire attend gymnastics with Stella during her class.  Claire fit right in and did a great job with the big kid stretches and showing off what she's been learning.  Stella did awesome at her dance class and was really able to follow along with her teachers to the two choreographed pieces they performed for family.

Also last week, Stella helped make dinner one night, and both girls eagerly volunteered to help wash the dishes!  We'll take the help while it's offered!

To round out this blog post, we are so proud to share news about Claire being chosen as one of 3 students of the quarter from her class.  Claire was chosen for 'outstanding character' because she 'always pays attention, is eager to learn, shares with her classmates, and always raises her hand'.  We must say pre-k is definitely helping Claire learn and grow and we couldn't be happier!

What are mom and dad doing in the cafeteria?

with Miss Viau and classmates at the
student of the quarter ceremony