Monday, October 12, 2015

Happy 4th Birthday Claire-Bear!

To celebrate Claire's 4th birthday we ventured to Plattsburgh to the Comfort Inn where there's plenty of fun!

Arcade Fun!

Dinner @ the Plattsburgh Brewing Co.

Splash Pad!
When we arrived home a special treat was in our refrigerator from Aunt Mary Jane!
Birthday Surprise with Rubble, Skye, and Marshall!

It was such a beautiful day on Sunday we snuck in a short nature walk and used some things we gathered for Claire's homework:

Over the weekend Mom traveled to Burlington on her own to the Ronald McDonald House while Daddy and the girls stayed in NY.  Daddy went to a wedding on Saturday and the girls had a sleep over at Grammie and Pa's.  It was a short time away but a reminder that we like being together best!

A walk around Battery Park - while the photo doesn't capture
the foilage that well the view was spectacular!

Since the girls didn't have school on Friday but Daddy did we called Niece to see if she would like to spend the day with the girls.  All three were so excited to be back together again!

Halloween Crafts with Niece

School nights are super busy at our house now that we need to be sure the girls are in bed early but this past week we managed to get a few fun outings in before dinner - one night we visited the playground, and another the library (since now that Gymnastics and Dance classes are happening it's tough to make it there on Saturday's).   These were quick visits, 15-minutes, but something fun to do in our own neighborhood!

Puppet Show, a favorite toy at the local library!
Skype Pup

We could not find the Halloween Costume Stella wanted in her size locally.  When we tried to order it online, it was out of stock!  Fortunately though, the company put us on a list for restocking which happened quickly so we ordered it right away.  When it arrived much sooner than expected we had one happy pup!  If you aren't around little ones, Paw Patrol is a Nick Jr. show about several pups, all with different themes, who are always helping to save the day!

 Packing school lunches has become an important part of our routine.  We keep it simple, avoid nut-products, and try our best to make it healthy.  Thank you to Aunt MJ for buying the girls these soft lunch boxes which fit everything, including our thermoses from a prior blog post, perfectly!  While not shown here, their favorite is a cinnamon-sugar (sprinkled over butter) sandwich, cut in a mickey shape!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Hello October!

 With both girls in school our routines are changing and our time spent together feels much more limited.  The girls go to bed about an hour and a half earlier than they used to, so we've been packing as much as we can into evenings and weekends and are still having fun!  Here's a recap of the past two weeks:

Spin-art and water fun on one of the last warm days!  When the girls started to get bored with the spin art they just painted the driveway and then took pics!

The girls pick-out their own clothes most days and we had to capture this one of our 'golden bear'!

More pics from our little photographers!  Poster in their room, and hallway bookshelf...
 One of the things Stella was most excited to tell us about on her first day of school was the snack calendar, and that "our family is signed up to bring snack on the 25th"!   It certainly wasn't a surprise to us that Stella wanted to bring something healthy.  I asked her if she wanted to write her classmates names on a tag and when she said yes I printed some leaves from the cricut for her.  She copied all of the kids names from the class list, and bagged up all the grapes.  Then I helped just a little by adding a cheese stick and tying the bags for her.  This was a fun project she really enjoyed and was super excited about!

 We are simply amazed at all of the things both girls have been learning.  Out of the blue on a Sunday afternoon Claire wanted to have a show.  She proceeded to say nearly all of the Pledge of Allegiance.  Glad to know schools are still saying this each morning (and that Claire-Bear is paying attention)!
3rd Tooth Out, lost @ 'Sticks'
during dinner out
We've been working on cleaning out a few things and since our friend Kerry has a young child we thought we'd pass along this swing/slide.  When I pulled it out to clean it up Stella asked if she could help.  She wanted to do it all by herself and I of course was happy to see the initiative.  When she was finished I was astounded by her question 'What do I get?'.  I asked her what she meant and she replied 'I just did all that work, do I get something for it?'.  When I said, 'No, I don't think so' she ran off and found something else to do and we haven't discussed it since!  I'm not sure if it's the conversation we had a few days prior about some day getting an allowance, or if she's getting trained by school that everything ends with a reward but we dodged that hilarious but possibly concerning subject for now!

Stella and Mommy recently put a few health kits together for UMCOR and the Syrian Refugee Crisis.  While I did show Stella a video of kits being handed out I'm not entirely sure she really understood why we were assembling them but she had fun doing it all the same.

 Claire, on the other hand, didn't want anything to do with the health kit project.  Afterward I asked her if she wanted to make apple crisp and she was excited about that.

We made a last-minute trip to Fobare's Fruits to meet up with Courtney and Ryan for Conner's birthday.  The kids were super excited about this surprise and had fun playing with their cousins.  We also had the chance to meet one of Stella's classmates who happened to be there too.

 Mommy's friend from WVWC visited the area for a Train and Toy Show in Massena so we headed over one afternoon for a visit with Nick and to check out the fun.  It was a treat!

The girls had their second trip to the dentist which went great!
We've been displaying all of the fun things they are bringing home from school and will need to sort and purge now that the month has ended.
We spent a school night out one evening so daddy could get a hair cut. We had dinner at Between-the-Buns and then checked out the Halloween Costumes at Walmart.  They had a NEW Mickey Mouse attraction.  What a treat!

And the girls had a weekend with Grammie and Aunt MJ while Mom and Dad spent some time away at Jay Peak Resort in Vermont for the Bean and Brew Fest.  It was a great weekend!  Thanks for the help ladies, the girls enjoyed spending time with you!