Sunday, September 24, 2017

September 2017

I've been delayed in updating our posts but do want to catch up so here's our month of September:

 A little bit of silliness at our local Walmart!
Claire helping with chores

Mom practicing braiding
for when school starts
Checking out the sculptures while doing some errands on campus with Mom:

First Day of School!
Stella 2nd Grade and Claire 1st Grade

Sisterly love @ Church
Birthday Flowers for Mom

 A visit to Brookdale Orchard.   Mom took one bag to the Ago house, and we made applesauce together with the other.  One jar for now, another went into the freezer to enjoy this winter.  Stella loves homemade Applesauce and has fun making it too!
Welcoming the weekend
with a mid-September Swim
after school on a Friday

 Here are the girls checking out the Fall Festival in Massena.  The kids jumped around in a bounce house, painted pumpkins, and even won a fish.  They named her Rosie, and were so very appreciative we allowed them to buy a fish bowl and some decorations for it.  Here's hoping this little fish will stay healthy!

 Our neighbor Lorri generously invited us to join her campground friends at Jelly Bean's down the street for their late September Trick or Treating event before everyone closes up their camping sites for the season.  Stella chose to be a deer, and Claire a princess.

 Making a Parade!

With all of their goodies from the campground trick or treating, the girls decided to plan a Halloween parade in our year.  They brought out lots of stuffed animal viewers, connected many things on wheels, and attached everything to their Jeep.  They ended up needing to disconnect most of it because the Jeep couldn't pull everything, but it was lots of fun for them all the same!  (Except for the clean-up part.)
A warm bubble Bath

Gathering Jewels from the Pool

 Another trip to Walmart.  This time was after Gymnastics and I couldn't resist capturing Claire's little outfit, self selected of course.  We bought a new bike for Stella Bella without training wheels.  When we started teaching her how to ride there were lots of tears.  Stella is not used to things being difficult and riding a bike is not coming as easily to her as she expected.  Her dad helped her come around thought and I'm pretty sure she'll be riding it on her own in no time.

A very late in the season swim. This was today, September 24.  We are so glad we have not yet closed the pool.  We barely swam in it this summer and it is nice to see it getting some use.  The weather is so unseasonably warm for this time of year.  In fact I'm sitting outside on our porch in shorts and a tank top after 8pm as I write this.  If the mosquito's weren't out, it would be a perfect night.  It was blazing hot today and we spent much of it outdoors.  Soaking up the sunshine and warmth while it's still here!