Sunday, January 7, 2018

Birthday Bliss

Our Healthy and Happy 8-year old
Stella has been one happy girl this week celebrating her birthday, and Claire has been very excited to share in all of the birthday fun!  Since Stella hasn't had a birthday party since she was 5, we agreed to a party at the Mall Arcade this year.  We celebrated with French Toast dinner on Thursday, and then with friends and family on Sunday afternoon.  Here are some pics of the party fun:

Stella was very excited to come home from school on her birthday to a package from the Perrin's!

 Stella is the healthiest eater in our family - she rarely eats junk food and is very particular when she does.  She loves chocolate though!  So, for her birthday snack treat at school, she chose butter cookies dipped in chocolate.  She packaged two per bag and tied them with ribbons, and added in her favorite apply juice box.  She was so excited to share her favorite cookies and drink with her classmates.  It seemed as though nobody minded not having cake!

Stella's party at the arcade was Tsum Tsum themed, and Stella made all of the plans and did most of the preparation - with a little bit of help.  It was a really fun party, including a DIY Tsum Tsum bingo game Stella created and Grammie helped with, as well as veggie cup and fruit skewer snacks.  Thanks go out to Aunt MJ for providing cupcakes yet again, and to Grammie and Pa for all of their support with getting the room ready and cleaning up afterward.  Many hands make light work!

In all of the excitement we walked out the door without Claire's gift for Stella.  This was a bit devastating for poor Claire-Bear but she cheered up once she realized the birthday fun would be extended until after we made it home from the party.  Claire did a great job choosing a few items for Stella that were a perfect fit: scented crayons, a stuffed animal, and a Tsum Tsum Mickey doll.  All-in-all, it was a great birthday.  Stella was extremely grateful, thanking us many times throughout the last few days both for her new dress, and for her party.

Some other pics since our last post:
Dying Cotton Balls
for crafting

Sea Salt Mask - copying Mommy
 Some pics of our New Year's celebration at the McCarthy's.  Somehow our little monkey's made it to midnight!

Making Tsum Tsum Bingo
Cards for her Party
Eating Candies off the
Ginger Bread House!

'The Unicorn' by Soul Waffle

Chatting with Mrs. Ida May after Sunday morning worship: