Sunday, May 6, 2018

Big Girl Stuff!

Snuggles with Mom when Daddy's Away
 Randy was away for the night to attend a Master Teacher event so us girls had a sleep-over in Mom & Dad's room.  It was a crazy windy, stormy, Tornado watch night, so this worked out for all of us!

With Randy out of town I decided to bring both girls to Kendra's bridal shower.  It turned out they really had a wonderful time and were so excited to be part of the fun!  Having Gigi and Cami there too made it all the more special!  They especially enjoyed the games!

Stella, wise beyond her years...
We have been so sad to learn how very sick Neice is.  For a while, we only told the girls we needed to pray for her because she was sick, but as time has moved on, we have named her illness what it is, Breast Cancer, and have answered all of the questions they've had.  Here's a picture from a fundraising event at the Riverview to help support Denise and her medical expenses.  While we couldn't make it for the actual event, we stopped by toward the end to see everyone and were so glad we did!

Also shown, is Daddy to the rescue!  Claire lost the coloring page she had worked so hard on waiting for dinner.  Daddy went beyond the porch to retrieve it!

Claire brought home this spectacular art one day.  I'm pretty sure she drew this after school at Allison's.  Stay tuned because this little artist has a piece of artwork in the Tri-County art show!  We are excited to travel to Watertown to see her work on display!

Over the weekend, Stella had a birthday party at the mall which Claire was not invited to.  Many times the girls bring one another to tag along, but this time I asked Claire if she wanted to have some special time with mommy, which she agreed to.  I took her to the salon for her first pedicure and she really enjoyed it!  We also had lunch together and ran a few errands.  It was nice to have some 1-1 time together (and mommy really enjoyed the pedicure too!)

April 2018

Tea Party Game with cousins
 The Easter visit with family came and went faster than we all wanted but it was a lot of fun.  Before the Perrin's headed back to SC they came to Winthrop/Brasher Falls for a quick stay.  After dinner with Aunt MJ and Uncle Neil, they came to our house for a sleepover.  It was a school night but we made the most of a short visit!

After the cousins left Stella felt a bit under the weather.  Since she stayed home from school, we did not allow her to attend Girl Scouts that evening.  It was tough but we knew it was the right thing to do.  She missed out on making a DIY Bird House.

Turns out, the public school no longer has picture day just in the fall, but also during the spring months as well.  While notes did come home from school about another picture day, I assumed this was a make-up and didn't give it much thought.  Then these pre-ordered pics showed up at our house!  These cuties are getting so big!

 Claire-Bear continues to show us a personality so completely different from Stella's!  She is very interested in make-up, and painting her nails.  Here, she's dressed just like her Samantha doll, and asked Mommy to apply press-on nails for her.  They didn't last long at all but she enjoyed them for a few minutes.  And, when we visited Aldi one day she asked me to take her picture on her "castle".  Stella promptly told her to get down!

 Both girls qualified for the Spelling Bee at school this year.  It was a very fun night watching them on stage!  Here Claire is sitting with daddy cheering on Stella.  They both took 2nd place.  Claire lost to the word village, while Stella lost to the word wailing.  We continue to be so proud of our little school district - the great administrators and teachers who invest time in them, and all of the opportunities our children are experiencing.

 We are all sooooo happy the weather is turning!

Daddy bought a new swing and they
can't get enough of it!

Picnic in the lawn on a Saturday afternoon

Smore's with Miss Katy!
 Spring break at home just wouldn't be complete without time with friends.  Stell-Belle had her friend Aishya over for a few hours one day, Claire-Bear had her friend Makala over for a sleep-over and also had a play date at her house, and the Britton's also stayed the night over break.  It was a relaxing week and everyone appreciated a little pause from our usual routine!