Happy 8th Birthday Claire-Bear!
We celebrated Claire's birthday a day early with a party at the mall arcade. The next day mom and dad went to Nick and Sandra's wedding while the girls went to Madilyn's for a sleepover with Miss Alissa. Stella got to attend a second party of the weekend too for Ayisha's birthday.
Claire's preferred birthday gift of the year - slime! She would play with slime every day if her mama would let her!
For the most part, we have been making slime outdoors - on the driveway or in the garage.
But, it makes its way into the house often enough....
On Indigenous Peoples Day we took a drive toward Tupper Lake and hiked Panther Mountain, followed by a trip to Walmart to buy Halloween costumes, and a visit to Saint Larries for some dinner. It was a relaxing family day and we were all grateful for the extra time together.
Pumpkin Inferno! This year the girls traveled across the border with friends to check out this masterpiece After a dinner at Shoeless Joe's we wandered around Upper Canada Village and saw many spectacular creations. Here are a few of our favorites:
Some other happenings this month:
AWANA started up again - kicking off with Minute-to-Win-It Games!
Celebrating Mole Day with daddy!
Claire attending Math Night @ SLC Elementary while Stella and daddy are at basketball.
GS Nut and Candy Sale!
SLC Halloween Parade
Handing out Halloween Candy - it was a rainy, but warm night so lots of visitors came by to trick or treat.
Daddy's colleagues having some Halloween Fun!