Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Kicking Off Summer Vacation!

2019 Larry Day!
 As the school year began to wind down lots of fun was snuck in!
Testing the frigid water in early June!
A lonely lemonade stand and shoe sale.  But some friendly
neighbors made it worth their while!

Summer Sunset #1

Bridging Ceremony

Sorting patches.  Lots and lots of patches!

Racing at Swim Lessons

"Coaching" on deck
Dana Memorial Walk

Team Cook Out

 Third grade field trip to Nicandri Nature Center!  We learned about owls, poison ivy, and bats too, among other things!

Hanging with the Richards during SLC Graduation

While we didn't capture any pics of the fun the Summer Solstice party just before the school year ended was great fun!  We celebrated with BMC friends at Sam and Nicole's, the kids will fondly remember the get together swimming, playing soccer in the yard, enjoying smores with m&m's, and especially the fireworks surprise.

And, our VBS tradition was an awesome way to start off summer vacation again this year:
To Mars and Beyond!