Sunday, March 7, 2021

February 2021

 As the COVID vaccine becomes available to more and more people, things are starting to feel a little more normal.  This month has felt like the beginning of a turning point, as more and more activities start to open up.  Here are some of the ways we spent our time this month:

SuperBowl Sunday:

Claire started taking piano lessons!

Cookie Season is here!  Drive-by cookies booths to stay COVID compliant are turning out to be a really effective way to sell Girl Scout Cookies!

Gal-entine's Party hosted by some Girl Scout friends:

Claire helped Daddy paint the family room while Stella was at Ayisha's for a sleepover:

Stella made Waffles for brunch On President's Day

Outdoor Girl Scout activities: Snow Shoeing at Nicandri and making Snow People at LBSH


Dinner Out @ The All-American Pub in our local mall.  It was very quiet, but they seemed happy to be open again!

Pizza Party and sleep-over fun with The Deshanes:


Changes are becoming regular now, as COVID becomes more manageable.  Up next in March, Stella gets back into they gym for some hoops.  And Claire just might too!

January 2021

Stella turns 11!  Birthdays during COVID are tough to navigate.  We celebrated at home on our own and Stella chose pancakes for her Birthday dinner. Lily even joined in on the fun! Stella also invited friends two friends over for a sleepover, two weekends in a row.  Some gifts this year were a new sewing machine, new pool gear, and a physics kit.

While we can't physically be in the gym, basketball is on TV and Stella and Randy are watching and talking basketball more these days:


Both girls love art and are super creative.  They watch lots of art themed YouTube videos and learn about different kinds of art projects I would never think of.   When I got new glasses this fall the first thing they asked was if they could paint my glasses cases.  Here's the final product, from white to a smart Owl on my favorite color background. 

Lily showing her support :) 

Lots of snow came!  

Pizza and Game Night at the Austin's, where we watched Pat test out some masks.  I think the bauer brand won!

The Perrin's have moved back to NY!  It's been very exciting to have cousins around.  Here some of the girls were doing facials, while Ran snuggled with Piper.


One of Stella's teachers is expecting a baby and Stella asked if she could make a blanket as a gift.  Aunt MJ sent her lots of fabric for her birthday, and we visited Joann Fabrics to purchase some minky backing and some other items since they were having such a large sale.  Here are some pics of her preparations.

I thought for sure the holiday season would create some unpleasant circumstances for schools as they reopened in January.   But, thank goodness I was wrong!  Our school district has done so well remaining open during 2021. We continue to look forward to when both girls can go to school every day, all day!