March flew by with lots of activities:
Claire had her stage debut in "The Man Who Came to Dinner". Claire had a very small part as a choir girl in just the Friday night showing and had a really great time!
We snuck in a couple of basketball games between shows and made sure to have Claire and Lydianna backstage in time for Saturday's show.
Both girls were able to have some fun on two different Extended Day Field Trips this month: Bowling, and visiting the Indoor Turf at the mall.
Lily Cat brings so much joy to our family. The girls love to snuggle her and take pictures of her too!
The girls were hired to watch the neighbors dog for the weekend. This is the second time they've looked after Hudson and it's been good for them to experience being a dog owner, even just temporarily!
Both girls belong to the Trashbusters club at school, an organization for 5th and 6th grade students. Stella is the Vice President of the club, and after the 6th grade Treasurer decided to quit the club, Claire became the Treasurer. Claire was given the opportunity to visit every 5th grade classroom and give a presentation recruiting new members to the club before the 6th graders all move on to 7th grade (and the Green House Club for grades 7-12). The club has also been making fliers to post around school and here are two Claire made:
Celebrating Adam's Birthday with dinner at Cactus with friends:
Basketball Pics Arrived!
We've been very excited about completing some bathroom renovations at our house and are so glad to have the master bath finished! Here are some before and after pics:
Goodbye canary yellow circa 1974!
Hello Steam Shower!