Saturday, November 18, 2023

October 2023

  Claire probably would not have joined the soccer team this year if we did not provide an expectation that she choose a sport to keep herself busy after school and keep her body moving. As we suspected since she is willing to run, she didn't mind the game and grew as a player throughout the season. This wasn't a championship experience by any stretch of the imagination but the whole team showed so much improvement and they had an awesome coach who focused on developing as a human and an athlete rather than emphasizing on winning games with a group of girls who had very litte to no experience at the start of the seaon!

Stella stays after every home meet to watch theVarsity swimmer's and help with timing. Seeing her with Kalub
was a reminder of times gone by - they've grown up so fast!

We normally take a trip every fall to get away for a night or two and this year I joined Randy on his Turning Stone golf trip. We had a very relaxing weekend with good food, lots of laughs, dancing and so much fun with friends!

Stella got her braces off this month and was all smiles!

Claire turned 12 this month and celebrated with a sleepover with friends! Grammie and Papa also visited for lunch and brought her an icecream cake for a surprise, which she didn't mind at all!


We joined Claire's team for the Parent/Player end-of-season Soccer game and it was lots of fun!

Stella finished up her modified season with an Invitational at OFA and did great! It was a great year with improved times and lots of hard work.


A gift Stella made for her coach from the team,
before they all signed it!

Making Molasses Cookies for his
classroom to celebrate Mole Day!



Monday, October 2, 2023

September 2023

This year our back to school shopping was in Syracuse so the girls could have all the options Destiny USA offers!


The start of 7th and 8th grade:

Another one of Stella's masterpieces for a birthday gift:


Claire is trying out soccer this year and we are so proud of all her hard work and effort in working on something new:
Captain's Circle
(this rotates but Claire's had a few turns!)

Stella and I checking out Well Dressed Food
after soccer against Tupper Lake

Stella is swimming again this year and is doing great!

Mama Lucia's after the Potsdam Meet

At the end of the school year last June Claire won a bookmark contest at school and we finally got to see one!

A few other September happenings:
Stella is getting to close to completing her braces treatment! 

We attempted to grow cantelope this summer and one made it!

We had an afternoon free one Saturday so we ventured across the border to Cornwall to buy Peace Tea in 12oz cans, which we can't get in NY, and to visit Starbucks since we don't have nearby. We also checked out Spirit Halloween while we were there and Stella found a costume for this year.
Annual Apple Picking with our GS Troop

Celebrating Fall

Claire and Makala doing homework while we wait for
dinner at St. Larries after a game at Madrid

Randy's planted roses around the lawn in various places
over the years and this one is thriving!

Hanging around by the fire table

National Daughters Day!