Friday, August 9, 2024

June 2024

We started out the month playing a little catch-up because we hadn't had a chance to get to the cemetery yet. But we made our annual trip to choose plants for Trey's spot and did some planting.

June came and went with all that was going on but this is a time of year that brings lots of fun!

SLC Coffee House - which was held at The Riverview on the deck this year. The ambiance was neat and it was fun watching Stella play drum set.

The weather allowed us to not just open the pool early in the season but to enjoy it too!

Claire helped create an educational display at the school library:

Middle School Awards night acknolwedged so many kids in our district who have worked hard this year to be good students and good humans. This year several of the 5th and 6th graders sat up front and cheered on the older kids as they came up to receive their awards. It was such a great show of school spirit and peer support and made the night especially fun to be a part of!

Both girls had an exceptional year. They prioritize school work and have proven to be good at managing their time. Hopefully they will continue to carry these strategies throughout their future!


Stella was in honors math and science this year which meant she took 9th grade courses and regents exams in those classes this year. She did well on both exams but was recognized for having a perfect score on the Living Environment regents! We're so grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Clark for being positive role models and great teachers - even giving up an entire Saturday to help their students prepare! 

Stella made some paper flower bouquets for her SLC grad friends this year. Here's a peek at a couple:

Alexis and Stella, working on their Girl Scout Silver Award Project

Some time with friends hanging out by the pool and visiting Cornwall to see a movie!

Fitting in some practice!

Girl Scout Briding Pool Party with a Juneteenth Scavenger Hunt

AJR Concert - Take 2! We decided to make a long weekend out of it and started with a trip to Hershy Park, which was lots of fun!




The AJR concert did not disappoint and was worth the wait!


Silver Award Car Wash - it was a rainy, miserable day but the girls washed enough cars to meet their fundraising goal to complete their project!


SLC Graduation!


Saturday, June 8, 2024

May 2024

May was super busy as the end of the school year nears. Here's a quick look:

NYSSMA Solo's - both girls completed two solos at did spectacular!

Stella scored 28 out of 28 for Snare Drum and 99 out of 100 on Marimba
Claire scored 26 out of 28 for Voice and 27 out of 28 for Snare Drum

We had to leave a softball game in Ogdensburg early to make it to Stella's solo's but we fit everything in!

Stella was selected for a Northern Zone Physical Education 
Student Leadership Award. 


More softball

Dinner out after the Madrid game
Supporting our Varsity girls 
@ Sectionals


Spring Concert:

Doing some math on the 
long drive to Ohio
Memorial Day Weekend Ohio trip for Dana's graduation. Randy wasn't able to join us because he's the Coordinator for Section X Boys Golf and was needed at the sectional match, but Grammie and Pa traveled with us and it was a great weekend. While we didn't go to the actual ceremony with Grammie and Pa, we were staying at Deer Creek State Park Lodge and had the chance to meet up with a College friend and meet his family too - it was such a treat!

This big tree blocked our view of the lake
but we still enjoyed staying at this property

Visiting around the fire in front of the Lodge

Hanging out at Brantner's camp site

Dana opening gifts

Getting dinner & ice cream out

Panera on the way back!

Capturing the sibling bond

8th Grade Portfolio Day - Stella did great! We can't believe the end of Middle School for her is nearly over.