Sunday, September 18, 2011

Visiting the Library

This weekend Grammie invited Stella to the Morley Library for a children's story time activity.  Stella was a little too young for the activities, but she loves book so she really had a nice time at her first library visit!

All of the children sat on 'magic carpet squares' to hear the story.  Stella didn't want to sit with everyone, and she wanted to read to herself so we headed to another corner of the library on our own.  Once the children moved on to their craft project Stella was ready to sit on a 'magic carpet' like a big kid!

This week Stella had her second hair cut.  She watched Daddy get his cut first so when it was her turn she was more agreeable to it than last time.  Additionally, Stella went to her first wedding this weekend!  Congratualtions to family friends Jennifer and Chris Gollinger.  Stella had a fun time playing with the bubbles and running around with the other kids during the reception.  We continue to be amazed at her progress and are enjoying soaking up all of her love and attention.  She's such a sweet little girl and we just can't get enough of her snuggles.  She certainly makes us look forward to the weekends more than we ever have before!

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