Monday, October 24, 2011

Our First Week Together

Our first week with baby Claire was a good one despite Stella feeling a bit under the weather and both of us being pretty tired.  Things have settled down over the weekend now that Stella is feeling herself again, and we are starting to establish some new routines. 

Stella didn't think much of Claire at first but has really started to warm up to her.  She likes to hold her and hug her, and is learning how to say Claire Bear and Sissy.  When she goes upstairs for her nap or bedtime she always makes sure to say bye-bye to her little sister.  It is very cute!

In addition to having some visitors this past week Claire made her first public appearance this weekend when she went to church with her mommy. So far she is a very content baby who rarely cries, and spends most of her time sleeping.


  1. Adorable....This is what happiness looks like...enjoy your little family!!! {{{{HUGS}}}

    The Mesecks :)

  2. Very sweet - hope you are recovering nicely as well. Miss you...

  3. These pics are so adorable lol happy to see things are going as smoothly as possible
