Sunday, November 27, 2011

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Stella has started to sing along with us lately, particularly her ABC's, as well as the theme song to her favorite TV show, which  is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Here's a cute clip of her gearing up for an episode before bed tonight!

Claire-Bear is doing really well.  She is starting to have longer periods of wakefulness and is showing us how strong she is becoming every day! 

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Stella Painting

Claire hanging out in the tub
After all that we have been through we are thankful for both of our girls health, happiness, and progress with every passing day.  This time of year has a special way of really making you think about everything to give thanks for though.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Friday, November 18, 2011

World Prematurity Day

In recognition of World Prematurity Day yesterday we dressed our girls in purple.  Approximately 1 million babies born prematurely each year do not survive.  You can learn more by visiting the March of Dimes at

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sweet November

The Girls

This November has been unseasonable warm which we don't mind one bit!  Fortunately for us there's been lots of warmth at our house too.  Stella continues to really love her little sister and likes to show her affection - sometimes a little too much affection!  This week we enjoyed a visit from the Carroll's for lunch, hosted friends for brunch, and had a visit from Grammie and Pa.  We also had new garage doors installed and Stella is fascinated by the electronic opener since this is new at our house!

Daddy hanging out with his girls.

Stella loves to give Claire hugs and kisses!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Fall Photos

There's not a lot of news in the Todd house this week other than that everyone is doing well and we are all enjoying our new addition to the family!  Since we have nothing specific to share we are posting a few miscellaneous pictures:

Dressed to Celebrate Halloween

Stella reading to her baby sister.

Still loving the outdoors despite cooler weather...


                      Peek - A - Boo!