Sunday, November 27, 2011

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Stella has started to sing along with us lately, particularly her ABC's, as well as the theme song to her favorite TV show, which  is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  Here's a cute clip of her gearing up for an episode before bed tonight!

Claire-Bear is doing really well.  She is starting to have longer periods of wakefulness and is showing us how strong she is becoming every day! 


  1. SOOO cute - love all the pics, looks like you all are doing great, girls are beautiful!!!!
    Keep up the good work Beth & Randy - you have a wonderful family. We LOVE & MISS you all very much, Hugs & kisses to all
    XXOO Love the Perrins

  2. Maybe she is planning a career on Broadway! Both girls are so sweet, Have a wonderful holiday season--- Sue Thomas
