Sunday, December 4, 2011

Daddy Time!

This past week Daddy began his paternity leave - he'll be home with his girls for the entire month of December!  There will be lots to do since its holiday time so I'm sure it will go by quickly.

This weekend we took the girls to a holiday party where Santa made an appearance.  Stell-Belle was really interested in him so we put her right on his lap and she criiieeed.  It wasn't a pretty picture!  He gave her a fun Minnie Mouse car to play with but even after opening it she didn't want to sit with him.  She'd rather look from afar so we didn't get any photos.  Maybe we'll try again in a week or two...

We know some of our blog followers had trouble opening the video we posted last week.  We've adjusted the settings so the clip should be viewable now.

1 comment:

  1. Just catching up with your blog and wanted to wish you a very Happy Holiday season. Claire looks so happy just beaming love. Hope to see you soon.
    Uncle Gary and Aunt Chris Gilson
