Monday, January 16, 2012

Fun at Home

We've had some extra time together this week as a family due to snow days, plus Mom was home on Wednesday with the girls.  We also were able to keep the girls home this weekend so all this one-on-one time with them has been really fun.  We did have the BMC/St. Lawrence Central Coaches vs. Cancer Basketball Festival on Saturday but Grammie and Pa came over for a few hours to play with the girls so Mom could go help out.  Both girls are growing and changing and fulfilling our lives in more ways than we ever could have imagined!

Claire having tummy time!

Stella loves to have chips for a snack.

Our happy girl!

On Sunday, the New York Giants won their playoff game.  During our football dinner, Daddy taught Stella something about football...


  1. Yay for snow days and getting to stay home and play.

    I am curious... What did Daddy teach Stella about football?

    Love the pic of Claire. We can't wait to meet her. Esme' is almost walking:)



  2. The video is Stella saying 'Touchdown!' Maybe it's not working?
