Monday, May 28, 2012

We Love Long Weekends!

Stella and Claire's first time on a golf course together!

Stella and Gi Gi loving their time together.

We had a fun but busy weekend so we are very glad we had a few extra days at home!  Claire is starting to try to pull herself up and gets easily frustrated because she's not quite strong enough!  She attended her first wedding this weekend and was a good girl.  We brought her to the ceremony because we thought it would be nice for her to be there on her godparents special day.  Congratulations Katy & Joey!
Our family, all together

The sisters playing with their brother.
  Claire has also started to sleep in her own room (which is bittersweet...) so we'll probably start to rearrange Stella's room soon to make a space for Claire so the girls can be together for a little while.  Stella loves her pool and is such a big girl now she actually tells us that.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Spectacular Weekend

Me and the girls in their matching 'SUNY Potsdam' dresses
We had a great weekend.  The weather was beautiful, commencement was a nice event shared with family, and the girls had a wonderful time in the kiddie pool Sunday afternoon!  Both girls are continuing to progress.  Stella has started to sing lots of songs, often times asking us not to help out.  Claire is doing great crawling and is now also able to sit up on her own, and hold her own bottle.

Check out Claire's newspaper debut:

 Stella still loves her sandbox, and Claire's first time in the pool was lots of fun - she loved it!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mom's Favorite Job

There really is 'nothing more awesome than being a mom' (~ M. Hooley)!  Taking care of Stella and Claire challenges me nearly every day, I'm tired (ALL the time!), and I definitely feel like some of my friendships have taken the back seat lately but I am so very grateful for my girls!  Thanks to everyone for the Mother's Day wishes - and a special thank you to my sister Mary Jane for spoiling me today with a delicious meal and beautiful flowers!  We are sending prayers out for Mom Todd today.  We miss you very much and hope you and Trey are keeping each other company.

This week we struggled a little bit through Stella having pink eye.  Thank goodness that's over!  Not only has Claire mastered crawling this week but she's starting to sit up on her own too!  Some fun pics:

Swinging @ the playground

Go Buckeyes!

My new outfit from Grammie

Playing Dress Up

Pretty Hawaiian dress sent from the Perrin's

I'm a big girl!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

We have a Crawler (sort of)!

Claire has figured out how to move around and get where she wants to go despite not having perfected crawling.  She has progressively been putting her arm and leg movements together into an actual crawl but even when she's not practicing great technique she's on the move!

Stella is good but she's been a bit under the weather.  Her puffy eyes and need for a little extra sleep these past few days haven't kept her down though!

This weekend we left both of our girls overnight for the first time.  Thank you Grammie and Pa for being with them so we could go out of town for a wedding.  We had lots of fun with some of Randy's College friends and sleeping in until 8:30 this morning was a real treat!