Monday, May 28, 2012

We Love Long Weekends!

Stella and Claire's first time on a golf course together!

Stella and Gi Gi loving their time together.

We had a fun but busy weekend so we are very glad we had a few extra days at home!  Claire is starting to try to pull herself up and gets easily frustrated because she's not quite strong enough!  She attended her first wedding this weekend and was a good girl.  We brought her to the ceremony because we thought it would be nice for her to be there on her godparents special day.  Congratulations Katy & Joey!
Our family, all together

The sisters playing with their brother.
  Claire has also started to sleep in her own room (which is bittersweet...) so we'll probably start to rearrange Stella's room soon to make a space for Claire so the girls can be together for a little while.  Stella loves her pool and is such a big girl now she actually tells us that.

1 comment:

  1. beauitful picture beth,you n randy have certainly been blessed.
