Sunday, February 24, 2013

Winter Break 2013

The girls had a quiet week at home with their dad during winter break.  Stella had her first visit to the dentist to see mommy have her teeth cleaned and did a great job watching!  She also had a great week trying out big girl panties.  Her interest and progress have been very welcomed!  Claire is starting to try to say more words and is taking more of an interest in Stella's favorite show Dora.

We ended break with a date night on Saturday so the girls got to enjoy a sleepover with their Grammie & Pa who came over to be with them.  Then mom had a small facial party Sunday so the girls had their first peek at makeup (not sure if that's good or bad).

Regular season basketball has ended for BMC so for a little while they'll have their dad all to themselves which makes mom really happy!

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