Sunday, May 19, 2013

Caring and Sharing

Stella tells us all the time that Gigi is her best friend.  When she tell us "I love you" she often says "do you know who else I love?  I love my sissy and I love Gigi too!".  So needless to say she was super excited to have Gigi and her sister Cambria over for a play date this weekend while their mommy and daddy started moving to their new house.  All the girls had fun but the growing pains of learning how to share was a challenge for Stella the whole day.  She does love Gigi, but not enough to share her dresses, shopping cart, and Princess castle, or to let her choose which show to watch at quiet time!  She got through the tears though and is already looking forward to next weekend when she'll get to see Gigi again.

The last few nights Stella has slept in her own room in her own bed but lately more often than not she asks to sleep in the play yard in the guest room.  She's really too big for it, but she goes to bed so well each night we just go with it! 

Claire is as busy as ever!  She's still getting into everything, trying to race around at church, and demanding our full attention at bed time.  She's a sweet little girl though who loves to cuddle, read books, eat, and go to the playground - she especially loves to swing!  Her curiosity could pay off in the potty training front - she's been asking to go 'potty' a lot lately and while we know at 19 months this probably won't turn into anything we humor her and let her try it out! 

A quick shout out to Aunt Mary Jane for cutting Stella's hair today - thanks so much!  We went with daddy to the salon yesterday, but it was just too long of a wait for everyone.  Turns out it didn't matter because Stella was happy to have MJ do it for her instead!

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