Sunday, June 1, 2014

May 2014

May was a particularly busy month at our house so while we haven't been keeping up with the blog there's been lots happening!  Here are a few pics of all the fun!  
A 'Frozen' movie night - one of several...

 Playground fun!
 Outdoor play at our house!  From bike rides, to wagon trips down the street to the playground, to splashing around in the pool in the driveway our girls love being outdoors!

'snow dough' on a rainy afternoon

Splashing around at the hotel pool during a basketball tournament.

 Memorial Day was extra fun this year because the kids joined in the fun by being Buddy Poppy Volunteers.  Stella was crowned the 'Poppy Queen' because she was the female volunteer who collected the most donations.  She rode in the car and did such a great job waving and smiling at everyone while the rest of us walked and handed out stickers.  After the parade we planted flowers in the cemetery - it was a pretty great day!


  1. The girls are growing so quickly! :)

  2. What beautiful memories those girls are going to have, thanks for sharing- Sue Thomas
