Sunday, July 27, 2014

Post Vacation Blues

There's not much worse than vacation ending other then going back to work after vacation ending!  It turns out that Stella came down with something contagious on Monday so Mommy did get to have a sick day at home on Thursday with the girls which helped get through the 'week after vacation' blues!  The girls were exposed to the chicken-pox virus at the end of June so we weren't all that surprised when some blemishes showed up after our trip.  Unfortunately we weren't able to see our usual pediatrician this week and the doctor we saw felt like it was a toss up between chicken pox and hand foot mouth.  Since (other than one small mark on her hand) nothing appeared in her mouth or on her hands or feet we're pretty sure she had the chicken-pox.  Luckily thanks to modern medicine being vaccinated meant this break-through virus was extremely mild and ended up only being very few skin blemishes and no major issues (other than having to stay in for the week!).  Claire has been blemish-less so that's been a blessing!  Having a quiet week without any play-dates wasn't all that bad after our week of excitement.  A little extra rest and relaxation was pretty much just what everyone needed!

This week Mommy said goodbye to a dear friend who has always been in her life, Grammie and Pa's neighbor Ronnie.  He was a great neighbor growing up and was part of the 'village' that it takes to raise a child, or in the case of the Goolden Girls, children.  Times like these make us only so thankful that heaven is for real.  Knowing we will see those we love again helps us cherish our time here on Earth.

Next week we'll get to have great fun with the Tri-Town Summer Festival.  Hopefully we'll have sunny skies and a great time enjoying the parade, fireworks, and all the youth activities planned for the festival.  Stay tuned!

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