Sunday, August 24, 2014

Volunteering @ Ronald McDonald House

Claire on the playground at the RMH
(for those of you who are really observant that's
a hand-me down shirt - Claire's not going to be a big sister!)
This weekend Claire spent her first night at the Ronald McDonald House in Burlington.  Randy and I have volunteered to be overnight relief managers at the house and are excited to have the opportunity to help out from time to time.  Stella of course doesn't remember her time at the house but she was happy to be there!  Both girls had a fun time and didn't want to leave this afternoon when we headed back to NY.  We're so glad to be able to give back to this organization that was so important to us when Stella and Trey were born - and the best part is we get to do this together as a family!  This volunteer opportunity does allow us a few hours to enjoy Burlington when we are there so this weekend we met up with Caroline, Esme, and their family on Saturday afternoon and went to North Beach.  It was an absolutely beautiful day!
Loving the Play Room!
Our tired girl slept through the ferry ride back to NY
On the ferry on our way home

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