Sunday, January 25, 2015

An Adventure

This week Stella had her 5 year well-child check-up and she's doing great!  Not only is she caught up to her peers, she is in the 73rd percentile for her height - unlikely  for a preemie, especially one with a short family!  We are so grateful for her good health!

Although Stella began another ballet class this weekend we were all eager to find something fun to do.  Daddy suggested we go on an adventure so we crossed the border and looked for something fun to do in Canada.  The indoor splash pad we considered visiting was closed, but the McDonald's PlayPlace was a huge hit with the girls.  Then we had dinner out before heading back.  Stella told us the adventure was so much fun!  We realize how crazy it is to go to another country to visit McDonald's, but it's so close and the play area is such a fun treat for the kiddos!

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