Sunday, May 31, 2015

Helping Out!

Yesterday Randy and I both had commitments out of town so Stella and Claire spent the day with Grammie and Pa and had a sleepover too! 

Sunday afternoon, once we made it home from Canton, I asked the girls to help pick up a little before their friends Gigi and Cami visited for a playdate.  I was picking up some things in the other room and hear 'Claire, we need to clean up so our friends don't see this messy mess' and turn to see both girls sweeping the floor.  Wow!  Stella is getting to be such a big girl.  While I had to resweep the floor they both got a big high-five for helping out!  They aren't always great at picking up at home so this was awesome!  

Dinner out with Kalub & Neice on Friday

Soon we will be gearing up for our Memorial Celebration in honor of Trey.  We look forward to gathering with friends and family to remember and honor our sweet boy.  If you've haven't yet RSVP'd please visit our event page or send us a message!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Funeral, Wedding & Parade

This week has been a busy one and has been an opportunity to share some teachable moments with our girls about some of life's biggest disappointments as well as special moments.  On Friday we attended a funeral for a cousin's spouse who has went to his heavenly home ahead of their three young children.  We've prayed all week for their family - Claire cried once because she didn't like my answer about when you come back from heaven, but as expected, they didn't know exactly what was happening once we were there.  Since it was a Catholic funeral mass Stella had all kinds of questions and wanted to be able to see everything.  When I told her this church was different from ours, because all churches are different, she said 'just like all families are different?'.  (We can definitely tell she does listen and soak up what we are trying to teach her...)  At the end, when they incensed Stella whispered "Mommy, it smells like pancakes in here!".  Needless to say Mommy could really use her childish humor in that moment!  We've been trying to explain the difference between our spirits and our bodies for a while now, and they both had questions about that too so hopefully they are starting to understand this concept too!

On Saturday we went to a wedding for a childhood friend.  Everyone is tired and the girls have come down with a cold so while we didn't stay long they were able to see this special ritual too and Stella reminded me that I'm already married to daddy!

It's not often that Randy and I have a date night but this week we had two outings without the girls!  We had dinner out with friends on Saturday night and then played in the BMC Golf Tournament fundraiser on Sunday.  The girls were super excited to hang out with Grammie and Pa and Micaela while we were out!

Monday we celebrated Memorial Day with a trip to Canton to participate in the parade. A few weeks back the girls distributed poppies and collected money for programs which support Veteran's families.  Claire was the Poppy Princess this year and although she was definitely not feeling well, she was excited and happy to be there (then she went home and took a 4-hour nap!).  Stella passed out bubbles with Maddyn to many of the children who came out to watch the parade.  Tomorrow the girls get an extra day at home with daddy since BMC didn't use all of their snow days this year. May has been passing quickly and were looking forward to June to have a little bit of quiet and time at home!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Fun Times in May!

New Balance Climbing Structure

Arthur's House
We've had some fun outings the past two weeks and here are some pictures that captured the fun at the Boston Children's Museum!

While we don't watch or read much 'Arthur' the girls loved the exhibit!

Arthur's backyard camp-out

Having a picnic

Underneath the aquarium

Mother's Day Smiles and lunch on the pier

The construction zone!

The Salon @ Boston Black:

Peeps World:
Claire especially loved exploring
the wonders of water!

The 'Fix-It' Area:

The Art Studio:

Other Fun this month:
Finally digging out all of our outdoor toys from the garage!

Dinner Selfie with Daddy @ 'Sticks'

A trip to the Thompson Park Zoo in Watertown, NY with Mommy and Grammie!

Long Jump!