Sunday, May 31, 2015

Helping Out!

Yesterday Randy and I both had commitments out of town so Stella and Claire spent the day with Grammie and Pa and had a sleepover too! 

Sunday afternoon, once we made it home from Canton, I asked the girls to help pick up a little before their friends Gigi and Cami visited for a playdate.  I was picking up some things in the other room and hear 'Claire, we need to clean up so our friends don't see this messy mess' and turn to see both girls sweeping the floor.  Wow!  Stella is getting to be such a big girl.  While I had to resweep the floor they both got a big high-five for helping out!  They aren't always great at picking up at home so this was awesome!  

Dinner out with Kalub & Neice on Friday

Soon we will be gearing up for our Memorial Celebration in honor of Trey.  We look forward to gathering with friends and family to remember and honor our sweet boy.  If you've haven't yet RSVP'd please visit our event page or send us a message!

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