Sunday, February 28, 2016

Feeling Funny

It's tough when mom's are sick! We've sure learned this over the past few weeks.  Yesterday, when I wasn't able to keep anything in my tummy, Stella said "It's not fair when you are sick! We don't get to play!" Well I couldn't agree more! Poor Stella ended up with this stomache bug and fever literally 24 hours after me.  When kids are sick they aren't sure what's happening. At 2 am Stella seemed to want to help clean up the mess she had made and didn't seem to understand why I was asking her to sit on the bathroom floor. Fun times!  Here's hoping it skips over Claire-Bear and daddy!

 In the afternoon Stella informed Claire and I we might need to go to the other room to play so she could have a rest.  This was all to familiar from the day before when daddy asked them to take their party elsewhere!
 On Friday we visited the section x basketball tournament so daddy could be at an awards ceremony. After a late dinner when we made it home Claire had fallen asleep so Stella took advantage of having a chance to have the tablet all to herself.

 Claire so badly wanted to paint some shopkins. We compromised by painting just a couple we have duplicates of, and our Dora car. Under normal circumstances I'm not sure I would have agreed to this, but since I wasn't feeling well it didn't seem like that big of a deal.  The things that make kids happy?!

The finished product... It's actually cute and creative but hopefully I haven't started madness with paint!

We had a snow day at home this week which was ok since mom was sick and needed extra rest at home. The girls went about their business for the most part but we spent some time together learning how to tie shoes. I'm glad we waited until Stella was older and asking because she caught on quickly and didn't get frustrated!

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