Sunday, July 31, 2016

 This weekend we volunteered at RMH.  The house was quiet but the girls had a great time and were even able to play with a little girl who was there with her parents who have twin boys in the NICU.  Since it's summer time it's harder for the house to have volunteers so we only had a three hour break on Saturday as opposed to our usual 6-9 hour break.  Mom's teaching a graduate course in the fall so this quiet time was a good opportunity to get some planning in!

On Sunday morning Stella and I used some zucchini Miss Katy gave us from her garden and made some bread to leave for the guests.  Saturday Daddy made chocolate chip cookies and everyone love them, especially Claire and Stella! 

We are making some efforts to keep reading throughout the summer.  Stella is continuing to do a great job and really amazes us with her ability to (silently) sound out words.  Before heading back to NY today we took a few minutes to read on the playground with Ronald!

 Stella and Claire are so fortunate to live next door to a generous neighbor with a pool!  This summer Mom and Dad are pretty lucky to have the option too!  Across the street our friend and neighbor Lorri has offered for us to swim any time we'd like.  We've taken her up pretty frequently this summer now that the girls are comfortable and more independent in and around the water.  We cool off nearly every day we are home!

Sorry to see July pass us by but looking forward to August and the fun we will be having in the final weeks of summer!

 We are excited and happy that Uncle Ryan and Courtney's baby Jackson arrived on Saturday morning.  The girls are looking forward to meeting their new cousin!  He came a few weeks early and needs a little help breathing so will be spending a few weeks at Crouse hospital in Syracuse.  Jackson's situation is very different from Stella and Trey's but it sure brings back memories hearing about what their family is going through right now.  Sending positive vibes they will all be home soon!

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Soccer Camp and Other Fun!

The girls participated in the Lake Placid Soccer Center day camp at St. Lawrence University this week.  The Britton girls also went to camp so it was an extra fun week!

To wrap up camp they hosted a "World Cup" on Saturday morning.  Stella and Cambria were on the Italy team, Claire was on Germany, and Gianna France.  It was fun watching them and how their little personalities fit into this setting.  They had a great time and told the counselors they'd be back next year!

Silly Faces!

It's been great having time at home this summer and having some flexibility to do some things we might not always fit in:

Watching TV with "Samantha"

Splashing around in the Britton's
backyard during a BBQ

Dressing up (completely their idea!) for dinner out
with mommies colleagues at the Riverview


Staining the playset
Sleeping In!

And visiting Taylor Park after church.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Rainy, Lazy, Sunday

Today we had a lazy day inside because the weather was rainy all day.  It was relaxing not being busy with something though and we had fun playing in a fort Claire wanted to make, and playing wii sports which Stella couldn't seem to get enough of!  We've had a fun week full of summer fun though and the break was well needed!  Everyone slept in Sunday morning so we needed some down time!
Water balloon fun in the yard!  Toby even joined
in on Saturday afternoon.

Chilly Delight on a day nearly
too hot for the playground!

This beauty loves the water!

Stella is doing an amazing job with her reading and continues to surprise us.  This week she read this entire Berenstain Bear's book to me.  I did help her with a few words, but I was simply stunned that after a few months with early reader books she jumped right into this one.  I wouldn't have even thought to ask her to read a book like this. 

Claire is following her footsteps I think because today she read us the Very Hungry Caterpillar.  While she wasn't reading the actual words, she was reading what she saw which is a terrific start.  Very proud of them and grateful for their love of reading!

We spent the night at Grammie and Pa's on Friday since Randy needed to be in Canton for a basketball tournament anyway.  We had a nice visit on Saturday with Aunt Heather, and Uncle Gary and Aunt Chris.  We are looking forward to some more quiet time at home this week, and for some warm weather!

Claire likes to snuggle and often finds us
in the night and tucks in as close as she can
get!  Here she is, on daddy's birthday,
crowding and loving him!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy 4th of July!

 Our first week of summer kicked off with Gymnastics Day Camp!  The girls had a blast.  The last day they had a short performance to the song 'Try Everything' from Zootopia, which they love.  They even got to use the rhythm wands which they also love.  It was lots of fun!

                             Saturday the girls and I headed out to an adventure while daddy was at golf.  We found Barhart Beach, which we've never been to.  The weather was cool and rainy but we weren't there for the sand and sun anyway - we were looking for the sand art craft offered by the Barnhart Nature Center.  The girls made red, white, and blue flag art with sand and enjoyed the little project and time out of the house.  Afterward we headed to the mall to buy daddy his birthday present and spent a few minutes at the arcade too.  It was a fun day!

When we arrived home we found a little garter snake in our driveway, trying to get into our garage.  I am terrified of these harmless creatures, but don't want the girls to be, because it's mostly just very silly.  I tried to approach the snake to scare it off, but that only made it want to enter the garage more, as evidenced by it trying to climb the wall of the door.  I tried to scare it off from the inside too, but that didn't work.  I got out a rake, and tried to be brave.  But honestly, the climbing of the garage door was just too much for me.  Thankfully the neighbors were outside chopping wood so I called over Noah and asked for his help.  Thank goodness for teenage boys!  Ashton came over too, who apparently loves snakes, and he held the little, wiggly pest for a while in our lawn so the girls could take a closer look.  They were both pretty much not interested though, and Claire quite scared.  Later in the day when I was cleaning out our rhubarb patch I noticed a snake skin left behind.  Yikes!  I've asked daddy to buy some snake-away so we be startled like this again!

 Sunday, after meeting our new pastor at Church, we went to Canton and spent a few hours at Donna and Shaun's 4th of July BBQ.  While we missed seeing Payton and Kelsy the girls had fun playing with all of their fun lawn toys and Claire especially loved the pool!  We had a sleepover at Grammie and Pa's afterward and Pa took them to the hot tub, which they also enjoyed.

Stella got quiet the shiner at the party playing around the tire swing.  We always tell her though, that bruises are the sign of a fun childhood!

Monday afternoon we met up with family at Springs Park in Massena for a picnic lunch with Great Grandpa.  It was nice seeing him enjoying himself outside in the summer warmth.  And this holiday weekend brought a very special treat - Uncle Hank, Haley and Skye visiting from SC!

Aunt MJ and Uncle Neil spent a few days in NH/ME over the long weekend and hosted us all for a delicious lobster feed.  I'm the only one in the family who really loves to eat lobster, but we all enjoyed the family time together!  Afterward we swam in Lorri's pool and on the way over Stella told me about what a wonderful weekend we had listing off all of the things we've done.  It's so nice knowing they are having fun!