Sunday, July 31, 2016

 This weekend we volunteered at RMH.  The house was quiet but the girls had a great time and were even able to play with a little girl who was there with her parents who have twin boys in the NICU.  Since it's summer time it's harder for the house to have volunteers so we only had a three hour break on Saturday as opposed to our usual 6-9 hour break.  Mom's teaching a graduate course in the fall so this quiet time was a good opportunity to get some planning in!

On Sunday morning Stella and I used some zucchini Miss Katy gave us from her garden and made some bread to leave for the guests.  Saturday Daddy made chocolate chip cookies and everyone love them, especially Claire and Stella! 

We are making some efforts to keep reading throughout the summer.  Stella is continuing to do a great job and really amazes us with her ability to (silently) sound out words.  Before heading back to NY today we took a few minutes to read on the playground with Ronald!

 Stella and Claire are so fortunate to live next door to a generous neighbor with a pool!  This summer Mom and Dad are pretty lucky to have the option too!  Across the street our friend and neighbor Lorri has offered for us to swim any time we'd like.  We've taken her up pretty frequently this summer now that the girls are comfortable and more independent in and around the water.  We cool off nearly every day we are home!

Sorry to see July pass us by but looking forward to August and the fun we will be having in the final weeks of summer!

 We are excited and happy that Uncle Ryan and Courtney's baby Jackson arrived on Saturday morning.  The girls are looking forward to meeting their new cousin!  He came a few weeks early and needs a little help breathing so will be spending a few weeks at Crouse hospital in Syracuse.  Jackson's situation is very different from Stella and Trey's but it sure brings back memories hearing about what their family is going through right now.  Sending positive vibes they will all be home soon!

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