Thursday, February 2, 2017

January Happenings

Our January updates have been few and far between but it was a good month!  Here's some of the fun...

These pics of animals lined up were for a show the girls put on.  They made sure all of their animals and dolls had a ticket.  This was quite a process!  They ran out of time before bedtime so the show had a long intermission into the next day!
Stella's Christmas Gift Creation!

A trip to the Pediatrician for
a well-child visit.

Making a list of all our
Weekend Plans!

Sisterly Love 💜

Make Your Own Pizza Night!

Snuggles with Daddy!

Having a play dough hair salon
with magic clip dolls and PEZ dispencers

A Birthday gift from
Mike and Linda

AWANA started up again! (Yeah!)

Getting a cavity filled.
This month we also went to the Coaches vs. Cancer tournament daddy's school does with St. Lawrence Central.  We didn't win the game but told the girls they could celebrate either way since they are Larries!

 We also went to our cousin Tori's wedding.  The girls joined us for a little while and then had a sleepover at the Britton's.  It was a fun occassion!
A few of many Gilson cousins!
Caught having fun without the kiddos!

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