We've hired help to clear some of the brush in our backyard. Stella is fascinated because "Jim can drive his tractor without even looking at the steering wheel. He's awesome!"
We are looking forward to this change in our lawn!
It was yard sale weekend in Brasher Falls and Stella was super excited about having a lemonade stand. Her cousin Rylin was visiting over the weekend and joined in the fun. She made $14! Here she is at Walmart spending her hard earned cash. She didn't want any part of saving it for another time. I recently told the girls I would not buy them any more shopkins - they'd need to use their own money. They were excited to buy them all by themselves!
We had a nice time having cousins Rylin and baby Jackson over for a sleepover! Since we've sold or given away all of our baby items we improvised. Here's Jackson chillin in our kiddie pool during our garage sale! We didn't sell a lot this year, but were able to give away a lot of old items from our recent room renovation. We almost took our interior stairwell pieces to the county dump last weekend - I'm so glad we didn't! A couple was very happy to take the items off our hands for their house!
I enjoyed snuggling with Jackson so much! He's a sweet boy, and didn't like being put down. So we were literally attached at the hip all day Saturday!
Rylin loved the Jeep! She cruised around the lawn as much as she could until the battery needed a charge!
We wrapped up our weekend with a birthday party at the mall arcade and a fun night at AWANA. Back to school and work tomorrow! This will be a big week for Mom who's starting a new job at the College but hopefully the girls won't even notice!