Sunday, November 8, 2020

September Happenings

 The month of September 2020

Despite the on-going pandemic, we have stayed pretty busy this month. Here's a snapshot view of what we've been up to:

Daddy needed to dig a deep hole for our 
basketball hoop installation!

Help from Adam, Pete and Tim putting the final touches on the bball court

Chillin w/ Lily after a day at work trying
to prepare for the new school year

Tour of Camp  Site with Uncle Dick
 Grammie and Papa take their RV to the Rod and Gun Club several weekends every summer.  We've never visited, but Linda's Retirement party was a good opportunity for us to check it out, and to see some family friends.  The gathering was outdoors, and it was a beautiful day.  While we were there, Uncle Dick gave us a tour of the property in his golf cart!

Take Out Dinner with neighborhood friends on
a remote learning day

Early on in the pandemic the government handed out some stimulus money. We thought about saving it, but then, that would defeat the purpose, right?  We waited a while for this Amish shed to be built and delivered, but it was worth waiting for.  Cleaning out our garage after the summer season will be a piece of cake this year!

Apple Picking with Girl Scouts

Stella had been asking all summer to have Riley over for a play date.  Now with school back in session, and our basketball court ready, Riley came for a visit.

We took Riley home so we could check out his families new farm animals.

Although Claire is in-person for school four days a week, she and her classmates are still on their chromebooks a lot.  When she came home and asked for a stylus, and I told her I probably had one somewhere, she asked to have enough to share with her classmates.  So, we ordered a pack and she sent them in. Of course her teacher had to approve this, and find a safe way to distribute to everyone.  

Madilyn's 9th Birthday Party!

Fun and Games on Messenger when
school work is complete!

Wednesday visit to Chilly Delight!

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