Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Spring Break 2024: AJR & Washington DC

The girls were given AJR concert tickets in Norfolk, VA for a Christmas gift so we planned our spring break trip around the show. We started off by driving to Hershey, PA to spend the night, which is about half way. We shopped at Outlets and relaxed a bit on Easter. 

The hotel had a bball court, so that was a bonus!

We checked out Duck Donuts, which seemed to be a popular place in the area. You get to choose from different varieties of freshly prepared donuts. They were yummy! 

Then we made our way to Norfolk, VA where we visited Nauticus and explored the USS Wisconsin. It was neat to wander around the Battleship and read about the history and assigments of this giant vessel.



After visiting the Naval ship we went across town to The Chrysler Museum of Art to see some exhibits there. 

A fun interacive exhibit

When we were finishing up at the museum we received such a sad e-mail that the AJR show had been cancelled! We quickly headed back to out hotel to see if we could get out of our reservation for the night and head to Virginia Beach instead. Fortunately we were able to make that happen and our girls kept a good attitude despite having to change our plans. 
Looking up something else to do!

Pouty faces - even though they really handled the news
about the concert better than mom did!

At the beach we walked really far along the sand and then had daddy pick us up once we reached the King Neptune statue. We tried to go bowling but it was league night so that didn't work out. We ended up at Dough Boy's Pizza which we knew we liked from last year's trip.   

Next up was Washington D.C., where we met up with Miss Sue and Bri. We walked a ton over two days but had some fun and saw some neat things. On the way we stopped for Smoothie Bowls, a favorite for Claire!

Here's a snapshot of our time in D.C.:

Top Golf for food and fun! ◼ National Mall ◼ Lincoln Memorial ◼ Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial ◼ World War II Memorial ◼ Vietnam Veterans Memorial ◼ Smithsonian Museum of Natural History ◼ Walked by the White House ◼ Law Enforcement Memorial ◼ Arlington National Cemetery ◼ Changing of the Guard cermony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier ◼ Pentagon Mall ◼ Dave & Buster's for dinner and arcade games ◼ Washington Meto ◼ Washington Nationals vs Pittsburgh Pirates



Neither Randy or I had ever visiting our Nation's Capitol before and we were glad to have the opportunity to experience this with the girls and some family friends. While our trip was planned around a concert that didn't happen, we made the most of it. Now we'll see about rescheduling the AJR show!

Sunday, May 12, 2024

March 2024

We kicked of the month with the SCL production of Fiddler on The Roof!

As usual, it was a spectacular show! Austin Mason wow'd our entire community with his first musical. He starred in the lead role of Tevye where he was perfectly casted. We've enjoyed watching this kid play basketball over the years but can't say enough about his performance on stage. Both girls were in the chorus, Stella and Bri got to shine as bottle dancers during a party scene, and Claire was given a closing scene line. This was another fun-filled activity for our kids and we are so grateful the middle school students were included again this year.




Other happenings:

It's cookie season so the girls helped at a few booth sales

Daddy won 'Most Creative'
outfit at a local St. Patrick's Day event

Stella had a piece of artwork displayed in one of our local art shows:


Miss Sue and I had a Mom's Day out
which included a stop at Bokie's!

Helping with the Community Meal
at Church