Sunday, May 12, 2024

March 2024

We kicked of the month with the SCL production of Fiddler on The Roof!

As usual, it was a spectacular show! Austin Mason wow'd our entire community with his first musical. He starred in the lead role of Tevye where he was perfectly casted. We've enjoyed watching this kid play basketball over the years but can't say enough about his performance on stage. Both girls were in the chorus, Stella and Bri got to shine as bottle dancers during a party scene, and Claire was given a closing scene line. This was another fun-filled activity for our kids and we are so grateful the middle school students were included again this year.




Other happenings:

It's cookie season so the girls helped at a few booth sales

Daddy won 'Most Creative'
outfit at a local St. Patrick's Day event

Stella had a piece of artwork displayed in one of our local art shows:


Miss Sue and I had a Mom's Day out
which included a stop at Bokie's!

Helping with the Community Meal
at Church

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