Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Day of Firsts...

Today was a busy day for Miss Stell Belle.  Mommy took her to church for the very first time and she did pretty well.  Her schedule was a little off so during church, when she is normally sleeping, she stayed up and fought going to sleep - there was just too much to look at and take in!
Stella in her Sunday dress

Stella also attended her first golf tournament today.  Daddy was invited to play in the Malone Member Guest.  The Club really puts on a show at the conclusion of the tournament with an All-Family reception complete with passed hors d' oeuvres and cocktails, a buffet of yummy snacks and desserts, a shoot-out competition, a penny raffle for the kids, and awards for the weekends best players.  Stella loves to watch people and enjoys the outdoors so she had a great time!

Lastly, Stella talked to her Aunt Patti on the phone today.  She chatted right back at her and it was sooo precious!  We can't wait for the time when she talks to us on the phone too (Mommy usually checks on her @ lunch time, but she's never responded like that!).

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Our Little Monkey

This week, in addition to working on eating from a spoon, Stella began to fine-tune her motor skills.  She is now reaching, picking up, and holding onto things independantly.  She has also been introduced to this fun jumperoo which she enjoys.  Like her 'party chair' bouncer that she shared with Trey in the hospital this all-in-one activity center and jumperoo has flashing lights, sounds, and toys to keep her entertained.  This hand-me-down was supposed to stay at Grammie and Pa's but she loves it so much we brought it home!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Stella Tries Cereal!

Stella had a great week at home with daddy despite the warm temperatures.  On Thursday we visited our pediatrician's office for the first time.  Dr. Benerdot is absolutely wonderful.  He was in contact with the doctors in Burlington since the very beginning, and we had spoken on the phone a few times over the past several months but this was the first time we met in person.  Stella is a bit small for her birth age which is to be expected, and she is doing great.  She weighs 13 lbs. 13 oz!  Since we were given conflicting advice in Burlington regarding when to start giving Stella solid foods we decided to let her pediatrician at home decide and he said we could start trying cereal.  Stella doesn't know what to think of it!  It has only been three days though so she's still getting used to it.

This week Stella had another first - she went in a swimming pool to cool off.  She even went under for just a second (and didn't seem to mind too much!).  Thank you to Christa, Jim, Katie, and Maggie Carroll for hosting us for an afternoon of fun in the sun, or shade rather!  We only had Stella in the sunshine for about 10 minutes but it was a real treat for her - she hates the warmth and really enjoyed the cool water!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

6 Months Old

Stella is six months old today and thriving.  This video is her showing off her 'social skills' which are right on track for her adjusted age!

We had a busy week at the Todd house, getting adjusted to life at home.  Stella spent the afternoon at Denise's (who will watch her this fall) on Friday and she did great!  We celebrated the fourth of July holiday early with family on Saturday at a get together in Harrisville, and then had a quiet day at home today. 

Later in the week Stella will have her first pediatrician appointment at home.  We are looking forward to seeing how well her growth has progressed.