Sunday, July 4, 2010

6 Months Old

Stella is six months old today and thriving.  This video is her showing off her 'social skills' which are right on track for her adjusted age!

We had a busy week at the Todd house, getting adjusted to life at home.  Stella spent the afternoon at Denise's (who will watch her this fall) on Friday and she did great!  We celebrated the fourth of July holiday early with family on Saturday at a get together in Harrisville, and then had a quiet day at home today. 

Later in the week Stella will have her first pediatrician appointment at home.  We are looking forward to seeing how well her growth has progressed.


  1. Thanks for sharing. That is great. She is beautiful and such a happy little girl. I can't wait to come home and hold her. Love you Doug, Jeanie, and family

  2. Happy 6mo bday Stella- love the video- glad you were out and about for the 4th.

    :) <3


  3. That is great - she is so cute!!
    Love & miss you all
    Patti, Hank, Haley & Skye

  4. We love it! She is growing up to be a little lady! The blog is great. keep the smiles on your faces.
    Love The Parkers...

  5. absolutely beautiful!
    Melissa Fay

  6. Happy Anniversary Randy & Beth and Happy 6-month old milestone Stella!!!!! Lots to celebrate in the Todd household. It sounds as if you had a wonderful 4th of July with family and loved ones. Hagen & Adleigh were quite taken with the fireworks this year. "Big brother" was actually more fearful than little Adleigh. We send our love and hope you are enjoying your summer. Keep in touch when you can! Joel, Wendy, Hagen, & Adleigh
