Sunday, August 1, 2010

Four Little Ladies and Friends

Although Stella doesn't live close to her female cousins they certainly have a few things in common!  I've posted some pictures of each of them with animals from their home states - Stell Belle at TimeQuest Animal Farm in New York (which we visited this week), Haley on a beautiful beach in Hawaii, and the Hooley's at home in Ohio.

Stella continues to do well.  She had a fun week which ended with a nice dinner at Aunt Mary Jane and Uncle Neil's house.  This week we are looking forward to seeing some of daddy's extended family!

Stella with a Goat
Haley with a Sea Turtle
Hooley's with one of their bunnies Mckenna


  1. Great pics sis - how cute - Stella looks very unsure about the goat. Glad everyone is doing well!
    love & miss u

  2. when Stellas ready to milk cows we have 130 of them!=> Buddy would love her help.Take care.
    The Parkers
