Monday, September 6, 2010

Sneezes and Snuggles

The drastic change in the weather has brought Stella sniffles along with it.  Miss Stell Belle has stayed a happy girl for the most part, but she's stuffed up and sleepy.  It's nothing that some good snuggles and a humidifier can't take care of though!  We enjoyed some relaxing time at home this weekend cuddling with Stella which helps her rest better.

Other news this week: Stella tried broccoli, which she tolerates but doesn't seem to be a big fan of.  She also spent two full days with Denise since Daddy has gone back to work.  Stella brings smiles everywhere she goes which draws a lot of attention our way - at church, the Cactus Grill, and grocery shopping to name a few.


  1. Motherhood and Parenting just gets better. Enjoy every second, they grow so fast.
    Hope she is feeling better.
    Love The Parkers

  2. Beth,Randy and of course Stella,

    We still peek in here to keep up on the happenings up there so please keep the blog going and flowing. Time and life will fly by if you don't take the time to enjoy it.

    Gary & Chris Gilson
