Sunday, September 26, 2010

Stella's First Sleepover!

Stella with Grammie and Pa
Stella spent her first night away from Mom and Dad for a sleepover at Grammie and Pa's house.  She did better than mom (who really, really missed her!).  She had a great time and was a good girl for her grandparents! Mom and Dad had a nice evening out with a delicious meal at 'The Club' and a shopping trip to Walmart which concluded with an enthralling game of 'Big Buck Hunter'.  It's amazing how different a trip to the store is without Stella.  Our date night ended with some Wii challenges which we haven't played in forever - BethAnn's age is 50 which is surprisingly young. We missed Stella but it was good for all of us.  We are so very lucky to have family close by.

This week Stella tried out shoes, fought a cold or allergies (we aren't sure which), visited with the Seveys, tried peaches, and shared her smiles with the Canton UMC.  Her second tooth is definitely through too!

1 comment:

  1. look at her smile you can tell she loves her grandma and grandpa----Sue Thomas
