Sunday, October 3, 2010

Our Changing Baby

 Stella is growing and changing so much.  It is fun to witness first hand all of the things she is learning.

This week has been particularly exciting.  We discovered on accident that Stella can hold her bottle all on her own!  She was spending some time with mommy's bff Kristen while mom was cleaning the basement.  It was really fun to walk in the room and find Stell Belle being such a big girl!

Stella hasn't learned how to crawl exactly but she certainly can figure out her way around.  She is moving all over the place and trying to touch and feel everything.  She is even starting to show her frustration with us if we take something away (especially paper - she loves to put paper of any kind in her mouth and hates to have it taken from her!).

Doubly exciting this week is Stella's ability to sit all by herself.  We've been waiting patiently for this as it changes everything.  As you can see she really enjoys playtime.  She is double fisting it with the toys too.  She brings something with her more often than not now when we are on the move.

Stella continues to fill our days with joy, laughter, and excitement.  We hope she does the same for you on a weekly basis through our blog postings!


  1. Thanks for keeping us posted and being so dedicated w/ the blog. Reading it is my Monday morning highlight:)


  2. She puts a smile on my face - I love reading the blog! Planning a visit to Canton in a couple of weeks - hopefully we can make plans to get the babies together. Love, Jess
