Sunday, October 10, 2010

Burlington Friends Visit

Stella napping with Burlington Auntie Caroline
This weekend Stella had a very special treat: a visit from Caroline!  Stella spent a lot of quality time with Caroline during our time in Burlington and the two of them were able to relive some of those special moments this past weekend.  This time around Stella is a little bit bigger and a lot more interactive though!  We had a fun weekend which included a visit to a local Apple Orchard.  Stella isn't ready to pick apples but she enjoyed being outside.

This week Stella had her 9 month pediatrician appointment.  She now weighs 16 lbs. 8 oz.   She also grew two inches in length.  She's a  growing girl and she's doing great!


  1. what a great picture! Glad to hear our little angel is doing so great! We love & miss you all sooooooooooo much.
    Kugs & Kisses
    lots of love

  2. Thanks for a great weekend! Stella has the best giggle and smile. Had so much fun interacting with her and watching her try new foods:)



  3. Glad things are going great for Stella, We see so much of both of you in her. Just don't spoil her tooooo much. Lots of love is what she deserves and needs.

    Gary and Christine Gilson
